Harvard en México: Graduate Programs (Postgrado) Information Sessions

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 6:30 PM until 9:00 PMUTC -05:00

Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
Carretera México - Toluca 3655
Col. Lomas De Santa Fe
Mexico City, Distrito Federal 01210

Join us for information sessions for postgraduate students hosted by representatives from the following Harvard Graduate Schools:

Graduate School of Design
Graduate School of Education
Harvard Business School
Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Harvard School of Public Health

During separate presentations, representatives from each school will share information about the postgraduate programs at their school including general program descriptions, application tips and attendees will have ample time to talk with Harvard staff.

Questions? Please contact the Fundación México en Harvard by email or phone at 5229-5877.


Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.